Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Best Horror Novel of 2009

As 2009 comes to a close, I would have to say that The Resurrectionist by Wrath James White is my favorite horror novel that was published this year. This is the first work I have read by Wrath James White, and I must say I fell in love with his style and ability to tell a truly scary story. Books don't usually make me uncomfortable, but this one left me with a feeling of unease long after I finished it. There are some very graphic scenes that will make you squirm and may leave lasting imprints on your mind. And the ending may be the best part. There was a twist that I wasn't expecting. Wrath James White has definitely made me a fan for life.

Some other honorable mentions for 2009: Afraid by Jack Kilborn and Jake's Wake by John Skipp and Cody Goodfellow.

Others I still haven't read that are on my to be read list from 2009: Depraved by Bryan Smith, The Black Train by Edward Lee, The 13th by John Everson, and Under The Dome by Stephen King.

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